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item Descriptions Item No. price(Yen) Cart
Needles, Large size
pack of 2.
Length is 6.5cm (2.5in)
size of eye is 1cm (0.4in)
nd1 100
Miyako Needle
pack of 3.
Length is 6.5cm (2.5in)
size of eye is 0.6cm (0.3in)
nd2 255
1needle in one package Length is 10cm (4in)
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Tekobari   2660
pack of 2
length is 10.6cm (4.15in)
size of eye is 0.5cm
Hosasi   550
Round case for temari
10cm (4in) diameter
rdcs1 300
Round case for Temari
12cm (4.7in) diameter
rdcs2 400

   Ring Pin Cushion Pin
Temari stand
42cm height
stand42 3,200
Temari stand
55cm height
stand55 3,650
Temari stand
76cm height
stand76 4,100